COBOL video for Micro Focus along with their partner Syntax
Customer requirement:
For last 27 years, Micro Focus along with its partner Syntax have been helping customers modernize their applications using COBOL. Micro Focus wanted to show their joint success via a video case study.
EWA Solution
With the entire filming to be done in Athens, Greece, EWA team first identified vendors who could film and deliver a high-quality video within acceptable budgets. Briefing call with content and production team along with Micro Focus and Syntax teams helped draw up a persuasive script and storyboard. With the ongoing lockdown and other restrictions, the filming had to be planned carefully, in order to adhere to local guidelines. The shoot was completed well with active guidance from the EWA team remotely via an online meeting bridge. The raw footage was received and editing was conducted in Dubai. This offered greater control on the project and definitely delivered on all requirements from both client and their partner. Apart from the main video, three shorter edits were made to be used for social media marketing.
The main video is scheduled to be used as a key lead magnet for upcoming months, while the edited versions will generate engagement via organic social activity.